The End

Five years of flying fun is documented. I will continue flying, but this blog is no longer being updated. Follow me on Wingly.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Action at the Air Ambulance

Kristian and Jostein at The Norwegian Air Ambulance base in Lørenskog, relaxing with a Biola after having witnessed one of the two helicopters on the base landing, shortly followed by a take-off of the other. A perfect finale after Open Day on the fire station across the street.

The financial contributions of more than 800,000 members of the Norwegian Air Ambulance Foundation (almost 20 per cent of Norway's population) help to enhance emergency response by Norway's air and ground ambulances, provide multidisciplinary emergency medical training, support research and fund courses for the public.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

All I want for X-mas is a GPSMAP 496

In Garmin's own words: "This “know-it-all” mini-MFD puts more power and information at your fingertips than any other portable handheld in the history of aviation... The 496 combines satellite datalink weather with a detailed color map and terrain alerting, then takes it up a notch with even more high-end software and features. The 496 is a “must have” for any pilot. "

I have not upgraded since the now discontinued GPS III Pilot. The Atlantic version of 496 is available in October. And I am sending a note to Santa...

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Extreme weather in all channels

As I just purchased a very simple weather forecaster from Oregon Scientific, I noted that next week NRK (the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation) will launch the Extreme Weather Week in all their channels: more than 60 TV shows, a web site, radio programs and a dedicated DAB channel! And every Norwegian child is invited to measure precipitation in special decorated milk-cartons. I'll sit in the kitchen, watching my own weather station.

Monday, September 18, 2006

MAF Fly-in at Starmoen

BKN in 1900 made it a challenge to fly NAG from Kjeller to Starmoen. I had to follow the river due to high terrain.

It is always very inspiring to see how Mission Aviation Fellowship organize their great work of bringing help and hope to the most needy people. New airplanes are needed. See how you can contribute at

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Classic SAS at CPH

Top: SAS with classic decor, captured at CHP this morning.
Right: Promotion picture of a contemporary SAS Braathens plane. There is something about classics...

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Free and friendly 35 min from Kjeller

Tore unpacking SE-FFZ from Arvika Flygklubb at ESKV after a trip to Finland, and transferring to LN-DAX. Westlanda Airport is a great foreign destination for pilots at Kjeller, only 35 minutes flying time and no landing fee.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Waffle and plane fun

I did my chores as weekend host at Oslo flyveklubb on ENKJ today, making waffles to the pilots and passengers flying this beautiful Saturday. And a short trip with LN-NAG between two bookings made a perfect break.
Just missed a great film

Simone Aaberg Kærn's "Smiling in a War Zone - and the Art of Flying to Kabul" (2005) aired on NRK this week, but my media center failed to save me a copy. I am sad and frustrated to have missed this great award winning film by a brave flying Danish artist. Does anyone know if the film is possible to buy on DVD? I am happy to fly to Denmark (but perhaps not to Afghanistan) in my Piper to get a copy!

I am the proud owner of a MM-card!

Tuesday I was the very first pilot to get my AOPA-N MM-card, being able to exercise the rights of airside access given by my pilot's licence with a piece of plastic and a pin code. I found my self wearing it a long time after I parked LN-AGM and had left ENGM...

Norway's youngest pilot got his licence in LN-NAG

Henrik Auråen (17) got national press coverage (Dagbladet, Dagsrevyen, Romerikes Blad) when he got his pilot's licence on his 17th birthday in LN-NAG. On behalf of the owners of the aircraft: Congratulations! Next year he might also legally drive a car...