The End

Five years of flying fun is documented. I will continue flying, but this blog is no longer being updated. Follow me on Wingly.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

AOPA's new Project Pilot to help increase pilot population

Student pilots who have a Mentor to help them through flight training are three times more likely to earn their pilot certificates. That simple fact is the reason that AOPA is beefing up its AOPA Project Pilot program.

To accomplish that, AOPA Project Pilot provides powerful tools, centered on a new Web site,, which helps Mentors keep in touch with their students and track progress while providing support, tips, and encouragement.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Beautiful mountain flying

Aircraft: LN-ULF, C182.
Flight plan: ENGM-LL-SOG-STG-ENOV.
Altn. Aerodrome: ENFG, ENSG.
Level: FL80/90.

We did not make it to ENOV due to low cloud base. Attempted the normally safe bet through Dalsfjorden, but the passage was closed.
ENSG had maintenance work on the runway, so we ended up paying NOK 205 for landing at ENFG and drinking not-so-hot coffee from the self service outlet.

Superb flying, but not the lunch we hoped for (at Naustet Grill, Volda).

Saturday, June 24, 2006

My first airplane

Petter (1) and LN-NAG (28) at Kjeller. They are already good friends!

Friday 23 June 2006 I bought 1/9 of this aircraft, a 1978 Piper Cherokee, PA28-161.

After the 2003 collapse of the Oslo Flying Club hangar, this Piper was the only plane which could be saved and repaired. Today it is still part of the OFK fleet. It is probably the most travelled club aircraft in Norway, visiting most countries in Europe and Morocco as well.

Revisiting my solo NAV

(KRISTIANSAND, Norway) LN-DAH at Kjevik. Yesterday I revisited the solo nav route I did as a student pilot in a Tomahawk seven years ago. ENKJ-ENCN is a scenic route and a no brainer to navigate along the coast. Continuing to ENNO is more of a challenge, in a mountain landscape with few landmarks. This time I had a handheld GPS, but still had some trouble knowing my whereabouts. Nototdden is as close as you get to the western Norwegian fjords in the eastern part of the country. Elevation of 63 feet, surrounded by high mountains. But leveling out at 3500, you have free sight to Oslo on a nice day.
Mind the GAP

(ELVERUM, Norway) Last week-end I visited the GAP Starmoen fly-in. This used to be Norway's largest gathering of active private pilots, but the attendance and level of activities offered was not at the level of the golden years of this flight safety project. I left for Gardermoen in LN-AGM before sunset without any time in conventional gear, the object of my visit.

Friday, June 09, 2006

New GA Airport in the Oslo region?

(OSLO, Norway) The Norwegian Government wants to sell the nation's first airport at Kjeller. The report from architect Morten S. Haave analyzing the need for a GA solution if the Air force activity should be relocated, were mentioned on NRK Radio yesterday. The report can be downloaded here!

Thursday, June 08, 2006

No opposition to permanent restriction area over Oslo

(OSLO, Norway) The major Norwegian aviation associations give their joint blessing to a proposed permanent restriction area over downtown Oslo.

The aviation authorities claim this regulation will reduce the consequences of an engine failure or a mid air over the capital city. In a joint hearing document, NAK/NLF, EAA Norway, and AOPA Norway, are expressing no major disagreement with the proposition.

The city of Oslo wants to double the proposed one NM size of the restricted area. This might be the beginning of the end of single engine traffic over Oslo. This development might not be remarkable, given the general security focus in these times. But the organizations giving their unconditional blessing are a bit more surprising?

For some reason, the hearing document sent April 27th is still not mentioned on any of the organizations’ web sites six weeks later… Feel free to download it here!