The End

Five years of flying fun is documented. I will continue flying, but this blog is no longer being updated. Follow me on Wingly.

Friday, June 29, 2007

10 airports after work

We had to cancel our planned Baltic Tour to Tallinn and Riga due to weather, and improvised an evening trip to small airports in Norway and Sweden. No time for meals en route as we had to get back to ENKJ before closing at 10 pm. [see pictures!]

Route: ENKJ - Bøverbru (Vestre Toten)- ENHA (Stafsberg, Hamar) - ENRI (Frya, Ringebu) - ENGN (Grimsmoen, Folldal) - Tynset - Sølenstua - ESUE (Idre) - ESVM (Malung) - ESST (Torsby) - ENKJ.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Ready for Plan B

I planned to take my dad for lunch at Airparc Fyresdal by seaplane, but it was not my lucky day. The weather was deteriorating, the plane had engine problems, and Airparc did not serve lunch today. We left Kilen for Kjeller and Plan B; some sight seeing over Oslo with LN-NAG.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Evening on floats

Irene joined my Linked-in network a few days ago and reminded me of my promise on Pål's 40th birthday party to take her flying. And since we are both linked to Teleplan, close to Kilen sea plane base, the natural choice was floats. At the picture she is in control of the LN-UXC Piper Super Cub.

Later Lars was my co-pilot on a low level coast wise slow flight around the fjords of Oslo, Drammen and Hol.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

New layer of asfalt on Fyresdal

I arrived at Airparc Fyresdal by seaplane LN-UXC today and did not get the opportunity to test the new runway layer. I did also arrive on the wrong day for other services normally offered to the European GA community. The hotel had a day off after a very busy start of the season, and the café nearby prepared for season opening tomorrow. Lesson learned: Call Airparc when planning.

Great nature and friendly people mad the trip a nice experience anyway. I got some ice-cream at the café and was offered coffee at Ariparc.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Visiting Oslo from Beijing
Dr. Wang Yu is visiting scholar at OUC, and I recently met her and her husband Li Xiaoxiao in Beijing. Now they are both visiting Oslo, and last night we went sightseeing in LN-NAG. Great conditions aloft, and a bit more challenging at the ENKJ runway; crosswind 30 and headwind 12. We departed 30 on a slightly bumpy ride straight in to the low sun. Landing the opposite direction an hour later was very pleasant.

Monday, June 04, 2007

Starting the seaplane season

After a 0:45 check flight with Bjørn in LN-UXC, I was ready for the 2007 seaplane season. I continued solo 1:15 in the PA18-150 Super Cub, but had to return to base at Kilen after engine problems, probably due to water in the tanks after a few days of heavy rain. Next time I'll definitely drain properly!

Saturday, June 02, 2007

First day of summer

Vice President of MAF International, Arne Nordahl, was my co-pilot on a promotional flight, with passengers Målfrid and John Ole. On the first day of wonderful summer weather, we left Gardermoen (ENGM) in LN-AGM for sight seeing over Oslo and Bærum, and made at stop at Kjeller (ENKJ) for ice cream on our way back.