Flying westbound
Co-pilot Pål, MP Hilde and an Irish Coffee during far better conditions at Voss than on the time of invention of this drink:
The coffee was conceived after a group of American passengers disembarked at Shannon Airport in the west of Ireland on a miserable winter evening in the 1940s. Joseph Sheridan decided to add some whiskey to the coffee to warm the passengers. After being asked if they were being served Brazilian coffee, Sheridan told the passengers that it was Irish coffee. The Buena Vista in San Francisco claims to have reinvented the drink in 1952.
Aircraft: LN-NAG
Route: ENKJ-EKDAL-SOPAR-Eidfjord-ENBM return.
Weather: CAVOK, wind nil.
Level: FL85/75
Flying time: 1:30 x 2
See flickr slideshow