Einar and my self logged 5:15 on a Saturday evening flying to Kjevik (ENCN), Lista (ENLI) and Valle (ENVE). With an endurance of five hours, we needed fuel en-route to complete the planned flight. At Kjevik the Shell self service technology did not accept neither LN-NAG's Statoil Card nor my Visa Card, and the fuel man had to come back to work for manual service. At Lista we did seven landings before heading up in the mountains.
And what a contrast. While the 2990 m Lista is located on a wide open field by the ocean (upper left picutre), the 800 m Valle is in the middle of a narrow Z-formed valley (upper right). Crosswind is at 4000 feet, and then I joined right base 01 (lower left) without any view of the field, starting my descend to 770 feet. Shortly after take-off, Einar had to make a 90 degree left turn climbing out of the valley. Flying in and out of this field close to high terrain feels quite dramatic, and should preferably be done in calm wind conditions. But I just love this field. Of the 92 airports I have visited as a pilot, Valle is fefinitely one of my favorites!
Taking off from Kjeller at 4 pm we had to fly slalom between CBs. Returning from Valle we met only one local rain system on our route (lower right). We arrived home at 9:55 pm - five minutes before closing - after logging 5:15 in six hours.
God natt
7 hours ago
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