The End

Five years of flying fun is documented. I will continue flying, but this blog is no longer being updated. Follow me on Wingly.

Saturday, June 24, 2006

My first airplane

Petter (1) and LN-NAG (28) at Kjeller. They are already good friends!

Friday 23 June 2006 I bought 1/9 of this aircraft, a 1978 Piper Cherokee, PA28-161.

After the 2003 collapse of the Oslo Flying Club hangar, this Piper was the only plane which could be saved and repaired. Today it is still part of the OFK fleet. It is probably the most travelled club aircraft in Norway, visiting most countries in Europe and Morocco as well.


Erlend Krumsvik said...

Gratulerer så mye med eierandel i fly. Kanskje vi skal ta opp igjen samtalene om flytur opp til det vakre nord?

Arne said...

Her er noko å tenkje på: