The End

Five years of flying fun is documented. I will continue flying, but this blog is no longer being updated. Follow me on Wingly.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Flying high and low

My students at the University of Southern Denmark god a short lunch break, for me to leave a few minutes early in order to reach Oslo/Kjeller (ENKJ) before dark.

While flying to Odense (EKOD) on FL75, the return started in 2500 ft. due to a low sky base. For 20 of the 35 minutes of ocean crossing from Denmark (NOA) to Sweden (RANAV) I had to fly on instruments, as the light drizzle took away most visual references. North of Gothenburg (NOL) the sky base came down to 1000 ft., and I revisited Lysekil for a hole in the sky to climb on top.

Then it was smooth sailing back to CAVOK in Oslo.

Time: 3:15.

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