The End

Five years of flying fun is documented. I will continue flying, but this blog is no longer being updated. Follow me on Wingly.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

APPsolutely fabulous

Something old, something new, might be an appropriate headline for my first flight in months. The good old 1976 P28A and my portable glass cockpit (iPad & iPhone) took me to Rygge for touch & go landings, and I am current to bring passengers again.

Fun and useful pilot apps on today's flight:
After landing an e-mail from Sporty's tempted me to buy the brand new Study Buddy App. I'll be extremely well prepared for the next Flight Review...


ErlendM said...

Hei, har du norske kart til AirNav Pro? Jeg kikket på den tidligere men da de ikke nevner norske kart på sidene deres så da mistet jeg interessen for app'en...

Mvh Erlend Moen

Arne said...

Kombinasjonen av norske bakgrunnskart som kan lastes ned i appen og aviation-data på toppen (se bildet) holder lenge for meg.